Selected Press

Articles in English

Reuters News Agency -  Nigerian Artist creates his own abstract art form (shared by over 5 other international TV news stations) 

Newsweek - African artists across Africa revive the art of the mask

Hypebeast - Yusuff Aina's Dramatic Paintings Reflect COVID-19 and Police Brutality in Nigeria

Artnet - Here Are Emerging Six Artists With New Exhibitions on View Around the World This Month

Contemporary And - Yusuff Aina Abogunde: Where we dey go now?

The Spark Nigeria - Ainaism By Yusuff Aina

Eurweb - The art of masks re-emerges

Art of Isolation - Art of Isolation (Artists response to Covid-19 project)

Sahara TV - The Value of art isn't appreciated in Nigeria 

ZIKOKO TV - Yusuff Aina creating art inspired by his origin

African Dialogue - Art of Ainaism and the heart of humanity

Visual Magazine -  Interview with Yusuff Aina

Articoli in italiano

Exibart - Tra corpo e maschere, per una nuova arte: Yusuff Aina Abogunde

Articles en français

Financial Afrik - Nigeria / Yusuff Aina Abogunde : l’art nigérian, une valeur financière montante ?

Medi 1 TV - Focus-Nigeria: le symbolisme des lignes de Yusuff Aina

Radio Tamtam - Culture des artistes à travers l’Afrique font revivre l’art du masque